We have rebranded ourselves as "Once a Chorister" to highlight the fact that choristership will have a positive influence on you for the rest of your life.
The Federation of Cathedral Old Choristers’ Associations (FCOCA) exists for the benefit of those Associations to which old (former) choristers of any of the following foundations can belong: Cathedrals, Chapels Royal, Collegiate Churches, College Chapels of Oxford and Cambridge, and such other Choral Foundations as may from time to time be recommended by the Executive Committee for affiliation to the Federation.
The objects are primarily to promote friendship amongst people from like backgrounds, to assist in maintaining and improving the high standard of cathedral music that plays such a vital part in cathedral worship, to support and encourage the activities of each Association and to bring them together in closer contact with one another.
The Federation of Cathedral Old Choristers’ Associations (FCOCA) exists for the benefit of those Associations to which old (former) choristers of any of the following foundations can belong: Cathedrals, Chapels Royal, Collegiate Churches, College Chapels of Oxford and Cambridge, and such other Choral Foundations as may from time to time be recommended by the Executive Committee for affiliation to the Federation.
The objects are primarily to promote friendship amongst people from like backgrounds, to assist in maintaining and improving the high standard of cathedral music that plays such a vital part in cathedral worship, to support and encourage the activities of each Association and to bring them together in closer contact with one another.