The Federation of Cathedral Old Choristers’ Associations (FCOCA) is an umbrella organisation that exists for the benefit of former Choristers and its objective is primarily to promote friendship amongst people from like backgrounds and to assist in maintaining and improving the high standard of cathedral music that plays such a vital part in cathedral worship.
The Cathedral Music Trust (CMT) previously known as Friends of Cathedral Music (FCM) aims are to increase public awareness and appreciation of cathedral music, encourage high standards in choral and organ music and raise money for choirs in need. Although we have different aims and objectives, FCOCA has much in common with CMT, and both organisations want to work together, but retaining our own identities. The Federation would like to highlight the good work that CMT does, advertise their events, and encourage former choristers to join CMT. CMT will reciprocate. CMT has a number of National and Local Gatherings around the UK and Ireland, and in 2019 a Gathering in the Isle of Man. Further details can be found on their website at https://cathedralmusictrust.org.uk/events/ |
Some 100 singers, including choristers from nearly 40 cathedrals and other choral foundations across Britain, performed live at Liverpool Cathedral on 13 June 2019, only the second concert of its kind since The Cathedral Choristers of Britain was formed in 2016.
This performance brought together boy and girl choristers from cathedrals and other foundations from all over the country. The concert was mounted by the Diamond Fund for Choristers, in conjunction with Liverpool’s Anglican and Catholic cathedrals, to showcase Britain’s 1,000 year old choral tradition which is under pressure from rising costs. The Diamond Fund for Choristers raises funds to support choristers and cathedral music departments in need. |